InCuriosity Never Killed the WriterbyErica Verrillo10 New Literary Agents Seeking Literary and Genre Fiction, SFF, YA, MG, Women’s Fiction, Memoir…Here are ten new literary agents actively seeking clients. New agents are a boon to writers. They are actively building their lists, and…Feb 196Feb 196
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InILLUMINATIONbyChristopher F.10 Literary Magazines Not on SubmittableA list of magazines not on Submittable.Jun 8, 2024Jun 8, 2024
Christopher F.Beyond Submittable: Literary Journals to Submit to That Aren’t on The PlatformA list of magazines not on Submittable.May 21, 20241May 21, 20241
InThe Writing CooperativebyAshley BroadwaterI Write for National Outlets. This Is the 1 Thing I Always Include in PitchesPlus accepted pitches & more tipsJan 73Jan 73
InThe Writing CooperativebyWalter RheinWhy Traditional Publishing is Dead and Buried and Will Never ReturnYou’re just wasting your time trying to get an agent or a publisherJun 17, 2024278Jun 17, 2024278